Cal Poly Pomona Easy Class for Gpa

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Pros: I took the online class for FN203, a good GPA booster if you have a busy workload.
Cons: Group Project which is a group research essay and a group brochure, it is easy but it is a hassle when you have to be the group leader to email everyone and stuff....
Weekly discussion boards, easy she just grades it on the word count you have to have EXACTLY 150 words on the discussion board or you will get points deducted.
Weekly quizzes just get friends to help you on it, medium
Then you have a diet analysis it is easy just follow her instructions
Group project, as said in the cons it is easy but I don't like having to step up being the group leader when no one emailed on the first week.
Btw, when you e-mail her make sure you specifically e-mail something not listed in the instructions or else she will just copy and paste the instructions (understandable) so make sure you ask something NOT listed in the instructions.
Would Recommend taking this class for a GPA booster.
Grade Received: A.





Pros: Very easy homework
Textbook is useful but not always necessary
Cons: Time consuming when finding nutritional values for some assignments and projects
This was a 2nd session, 5 week summer course.
It was painful to read her announcements and assignments because they were very vague and lacked presence. She types as though she doesn't want to really be talking, and it shows when she gives a one-liner direction for something specific like serving size, and cuts it off with a "thank you." 1 cup? 1 ounce? 3 servings? Someone asked for clarity on how to do the first assignment and she literally regurgitated what the directions said to do. It was hard to tell what she wanted, but she started becoming more straightforward later in the course.
The two projects were rather assignments she wanted you to integrate into your eating habits, which is typical of a nutrition class. They took a little time, but were easy nonetheless.





Pros: Online
Cons: Doesn't get back to questions right away
This class is pretty easy, you don't even need to buy the book because she posts the powerpoints on Blackboard. Every week, we are assigned a quiz, a discussion and sometimes an assignment, all of which are fairly easy and quick to complete. But, sometimes her instructions for the assignments are a little confusing. She doesn't want emails sent to her, but wants any questions you have for her to be posted on her "office hours" thread in the discussion board section of Bb, but sometimes, it will take a day or two for her to get back to you and answer a question. Overall, I thought this class was a very easy A, especially if you're looking to get your B5 synthesis class knocked off.
Grade received: A-





Pros: Easy discussions and quizzes
Cons: Quiz each week
Discussion due each week
online group
Her discussions are very easy, some of the examples are how women are treated in media, how alcohol affects your body or how much coffee do you drink etc. Her quizzes are from the book, which is a little off because her quizzes were based from different chapters of the book. As long as you read the blackboard module, you will be good.
The only bad thing about this class was the online group we got selected for a project about making a brochure and a research paper about a disease. Just coordinating with the group is a hassle, but other than that, as long as they do their job, it will be good.
We also did a 3 day diet worksheet and 1 page report on the questions, which was easy as well.
I would suggest taking this online class if you are looking for an easy A. As long as you do all the work, and not miss the quizzes and the discussions and you decently try on the research paper and fact sheet, you will be good.





Pros: Easy class
Cons: Inconsistent
Late responses
Does not answer questions
Different instructions to an assignment
Lack of clarification
Rude to students
The online class itself is simple enough, but she gives out a syllabus with one set of instructions and when the assignment comes around she gives you different criteria.
EVERY TIME you ask her a question she just copies and pastes it from the instructions. She assumes her instructions are perfect and you don't need further clarification, even after other students ask for more classification. Some times she will wait to answer questions a day or two before the assignment is due, which is unacceptable in my opinion.
She is the WORST professor I have ever taken. She needs to grade assignments on time, answer our questions clearly, and treat her students with respect. If she did not wan to put up with a teacher's responsibilities she should not be teaching!
The class is easy, just make sure you do the assignments correctly (which is hit or miss since she wont clarify them).





Pros: -easy quizzes
-easy projects
Cons: -rude
-have to study out of the book
-hard exams
Her multiple choice exams were hard but she does curve if the class does bad. The projects were very easy. The only bad thing is that she is not clear about what to study for her exams. The study guides are useless. She is also hard to understand when she lectures and has a tendency to be rude at times. Grade received: A





Pros: Knows her material.
Cons: Expects you to know a lot of the information before coming to class.
She does know a lot about nutrition. However, she expects you to know everything, and she gets all impatient if you can't answer her questions. Her exams are also a lot more difficult than I expected from this class. She doesn't teach very well but expects a lot from her students so . . .





Pros: I took the online class. I thought it was great, it didn't get in the way of my other classes, the readings were very informative, and one may even commit to a lifestyle change after taking the class. Each week you answer a discussion question and take a quiz based on the chapters you read. They are due on Sundays at 11pm each week. There is a group project that consists of examining/researching a disease or a disorder, writing a 5 page essay about it, and creating a brochure to supplement the paper (basically like a summary of the paper--it's meant to be informative). I never met with my group in person, we conducted all team meetings via Skype and text. I suggest creating an outline for the paper early on in the quarter with your group and assigning tasks. For example, Group Member 1 is in charge of prevention and symptoms of the disorder/disease and Group Member 2 is in charge of treatment and overview of the disorder/disease. I also suggest using Google docs to write the paper collectively as a group so all group members can edit the paper collectively in real time (no need for draft to be passed around to each group member via email). From there you can decide which group member will turn in the paper (you can export the paper to Word from Google docs). We received a 100 percent on the paper and brochure. Just keep up with the course work online, and I guarantee you will receive a good grade in the class. Grade I received in the class: A
Cons: There's a group project with your online classmates but it is not entirely bad if you assign tasks and make sure your group is on task with the work. Do not wait until the day before it is due; it is due at the end of the quarter when your work load is piling up.





Pros: Online course! She gives a reasonable amount of hw and grades fast. No final and assignments are pretty interesting





Pros: you learn to teach yourself everything -__-
Cons: everything!! she is a horrible professor! do not take her! ....except she's the only one teaching this course--so you probably wont be able to avoid her... good luck!





Pros: She knows her stuff.
Cons: The book has so very many typos.





Well, a professor that is completely self-centered is not a good professor. I only took her class because I did not have other choices. if you can avoid her, AVOID HER!! She is rude, and always has the attitude of "how do you not know that". She has an accent which made it hard to understand her sometimes, and she is very impatient. one thing i found that was totally unacceptable was grammatical errors on tests and handouts. how do you have a master degree and not know how to write?? Her tests were ridiculous. she gave a extremely vague and open-ended questions, and mark you wrong if you say too much or too little (which is hard to know exactly what she wanted because its so vague). Bottom line, she is a terrible professor, do not take her if you don't have to. Grade Received: B





She is a knowledgable teacher and I did learn alot from her class, however I found her attitude towards the class to be a little rude at times. For example, there was an assignment that was worth twice the points of all the other assignments therefore most of the class did it and turned it in on her desk like we did every other assignment. Then we all get an email from her saying " Id you did assignment D please show it to me so I can write the grade down" Which is fair enough but she never passed them back. So then the next day she said she only had the assignment from 5 people and asked the rest of the class why they did'nt turn it in. We all responded that we all had turned it in and had not gotten it back from her. She then got an attitude and got mad as if it was our fault and said "Well I don't losr papers, I don't lose papers" As if implying to give us all F's for it. So then she says "those of you that did it email it to me today or you will not get credit for it" Which I thought was rediculous since we all had done our part and it was HER who had not. Then the next day we all get an email saying "the papers have been found, thank you for understanding" With no apology explanation or anything. Very rude of her for someone who is suposed to be a professional. Grade Received: C+





Get on her good side and don't argue with her and she'll be nice to you. She says there will be quizzes every week, but she's pretty sporadic and there could be no quizzes for two weeks and then one every day, depending on her mood. Make sure you know the cooking terms and conversions for measurements (main things she quizzes). Study guides are very broad and cover many topics, just make sure you study all the tables she mentions. She curves the tests at the end of the quarter so don't worry too much if you don't do well. Overall the class is a waste of 3 hours, but you get to eat and learn a couple interesting things here and there. Grade Received: B





I took FN 305 online. With all the students who take it online, half of the students' assignments are graded by Meskin and half by Gordon. If you wind up having your stuff graded by Gordon, you are simply better off not taking the class. Her scale for grading is inconsistent. I emailed her about a couple grades I received asking her why what I did was wrong and how I can make sure that it doesn't happen for the next assignment, and she simply copied and pasted excerpts from the assignment. It became apparent early in the quarter that Gordon has absolutely no passion for her job or connecting with her students. I felt like a burden every time I sent an email and got docked random points for reasons that weren't applicable. With the effort she put into this class, online teaching could easily be outsourced and if it is, I hope her job is the first to go. I get far better support calling Dell then I ever did trying to communicate with this person. Grade Received: B+





Like most others, I took this worthless class only because I needed to fulfill area E of the undergraduate general education requirements. What a mistake. Aleida is the queen of asinine busywork, and likes to keep you constantly worrying about one or more pointless writing assignments, or random news articles, that could easily cost a letter grade in the course if not completed to her satisfaction. The course is a constant burden on the shoulders of anyone taking a load of dissimilarly worthwhile classes for their major, and is a constant distraction and source of stress whenever it comes time to do any real work for one of them. On top of this, I found Aleida to be very interpersonally passive-aggressive, in opposition to the care-free face she likes to wear in front of the class as a whole. She will blatantly ignore any criticisms of her flawed or failed methods, even if they are completely valid criticisms, and even if these methods in question end up hurting certain students' grades. The best example of this was the research topic presentations each student was to give near the end of the quarter: Aleida set aside two days of class for them, which was simply not enough time to get through them all, and penalized all those students who didn't get to present as if they chose not to show up for their presentation at all; an outrageously unfair stunt that cheated many students, such as myself, out of essentially an entire letter grade in the course. Finally, when questioned about her behavior on this issue in class, Aleida simply blurted out "What are you complaining about? You're all passing the class!" I guess she just can't fathom the idea of striving for anything more than mediocrity. Grade Received: B





Professor Gordon is probably the WORST teacher I've had at Cal Poly so far. She DOES NOT teach and expects you to already know how to do everything. For example, when you cook she already expects you to know how to knead dough or identify a certain type of pan. If you ask her for help, she tells you to ask your kitchen partners (who know just as much as you do). And the weekly quizzes, 2 midterms, and final are as difficult as they get-- the questions are completely irrevelant, and her study guides are useless. Oh, and there's way too much pointless busy work that will drive you up the wall. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.





Professor Gordon is kinda a B****, and she knows it. She can be funny at times and really friendly... But most of the time no. In 121 she has failed to teach much of anything. Expect to learn everything from your book, because you won't learn it in lecture. She raises her voice a lot. People are afraid to ask her questions because she treats everyone like they are complete idiots. Take a different teacher for 121 if you can. If not then just lay low and try not to get yelled at. Grade Received: B





She is really nice but DO NOT take her unless you want to spend a minimum of 2hours of doing busy work prior to EverY class!!I took this as an elective anD ended up spending more time on it than my major classes! If you loved junior high than take this class because she will walk around everyday and stamp your homework! You have 3 big projects that are meaningless, 1 research paper, daily 20-30 study questions due before class, and 4 tests as well s attendance is worth 150 POINTS!! Grade Received: B-





GREAT TEACHER! She posts a study guide online, that outlines everything that will be on her tests. Participation in class is worth over 1/5 of the grade, so make sure she knows your name. She puts all her power points online and she doesn't give pluses or minuses. She's really fun and an easy grader. As long as you include everything she asks in her papers, you're guaranteed an A. Overall very fair and an informative class. I took her for FN203 also, and she curved her tests in that class. Definitely take if you can for GE'S! Grade Received: A


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